Frequently Asked Questions

Watch the 3-minute video below from Dr. Elyas Parsa where he answers the five most common questions he gets asked about vasectomies:

  1. Will vasectomy change my sex drive?
  2. Will I stop making sperm? 
  3. Will vasectomy have a long painful recovery?
  4. Will vasectomy change my testosterone level?
  5. Will tubal ligation be easier than getting a vasectomy?

How will a vasectomy affect my sex life and ejaculation?

It won't. The majority of ejaculate is seminal fluid (semen), which comes from the prostate. Sperm is less than 5% of total ejaculate. So, you will not notice any change in volume. It is incredibly rare to have any affect on sex, arousal, and orgasm. The vast majority of those who undergo vasectomy experience no changes at all.

When can I ejaculate again?

Wait at least two days after your vasectomy before ejaculating. But if you are still experiencing discomfort, wait until you feel like you're back to normal.

Read more about ejaculation after vasectomy

Does a vasectomy affect testosterone?

No. Testosterone production and uptake do not change after vasectomy. A vasectomy simply prevents sperm from going through the vas deferens. Testosterone continues to be produced by the testicles and absorbed into the bloodstream, and this doesn't change when the vas deferens is severed.

Could I still get my partner pregnant after my vasectomy?

Yes, if you have sex too soon after the procedure. The most common cause of pregnancy after a vasectomy is unprotected sex too soon after the procedure. This is why it is very important to have protected sex until you are told that your semen does not contain sperm. The semen sample needs to be submitted at least 12 weeks and 20 ejaculations after your vasectomy. We make this very easy and convenient with an at-home mail-in kit that we provide the day of your vasectomy procedure. This kit is already included in the cost of your vasectomy.

Can my vasectomy reverse itself?

It's very rare, and even more unlikely with our method. When this does occur, it is called recanalization and is very rare. It usually occurs in the first three months, which is why we tell every patient to wait 12 weeks and 20 ejaculations to test the semen. We do two things to significantly decrease the chance of recanalization occurring:

  1. We cauterize the abdominal end of each tube, which prevents passage of sperm. Sperm still exits the open end of the testicular tube, but it cannot traverse the abdominal end if it is cauterized shut.
  2. We create a barrier of tissue between the two ends using a small clip or sutures. This is called fascial interposition.

Late recanalization (months and years later) is exceedingly rare, especially with our surgical method and techniques.

Can I reverse my vasectomy?

Reversing a vasectomy is a complex and costly procedure, typically running into several thousand dollars, and it is not a service we offer at our clinic. However, should you consider a reversal, we are prepared to provide you with referrals to specialists in this field. It's important to be aware that the success of a vasectomy reversal can be influenced by factors such as the duration since the original procedure and the surgical method used.

Moreover, reversals require a more extended recovery period due to the necessity of general anesthesia. Please note that even with a successful surgery, the chances of conceiving naturally diminish over time, with pregnancy rates dropping to below 20% five years post-reversal.

Where does the sperm go?

It gets reabsorbed, just as it used to before the vasectomy. Sperm is constantly produced and absorbed if it isn't released, so this continues to happen in a tube called the epididymis. The epididymis reabsorbs sperm as it has nowhere else to go after the vas deferens is severed. If any sperm do make it through the open ends of the tubes, they simply break down and get reabsorbed.

Read more about where sperm goes after vasectomy

Does a vasectomy hurt?

With a no-needle, no-scalpel, open-ended vasectomy, there is very little pain. There are no stitches pulling on any incisions, as there are no stitches and no incisions with this method. The puncture we make is very tiny and closes on its own. There is very little swelling, especially since we leave the testicular end of the tubes open. This leads to no backup as there would be in a closed-ended vasectomy. You will notice a bruise, but it shouldn't be painful. There may be some discomfort for up to a week. We recommended Tylenol (acetominophen) and/or ibuprofen for any discomfort you would like to alleviate.

Do you offer sedation?

While there is very little pain during the procedure, it is still very common for patients to experience anxiety or have low pain tolerance. It is important to us that every patient be as comfortable as possible, and that is why we offer nitrous oxide (laughing gas) sedation with Pronox. Learn more about this sedation option here.

When can I exercise or lift heavy things?

For the first week, take it slow. Ease back into your normal exercise routine. A good rule of thumb is to exercise for half the amount of time at half the intensity. Do not lift anything heavy for the first week, and yes that includes your kids. If you feel back to normal after seven days, you can get back to your usual physical activities.

Can I take a shower, bathe, or swim after a vasectomy?

You can take a shower the next day, but you need to wait at least five days before swimming, getting in a hot tub, or taking a bath. This is to allow the tiny hole to fully close and heal.

What do no-needle, no-scalpel, and open-ended mean? 

No-needle: We do not use a needle to inject local anesthetic (lidocaine). We use an injector which is less painful and more effective specifically for vasectomies.

No-scalpel: We do not use a scalpel to make an incision. We create a tiny opening to access both vas deferens tubes and then use cauterization to sever the tubes.

Open-ended: After a tube is severed, there are two ends: abdominal and testicular. The testicular end is left open, which reduces pain, swelling, and inflammation. It is just as effective in contraception as closed-ended.

Read more about the benefits of open-ended vasectomy

Dr. Assibey has a great explanation explaining the meanings of no-needle, no-scalpel, and open-ended in the video below:

How long does the vasectomy procedure take?

This procedure is extremely short. Usually you're in and out of the office within 30 to 45 minutes at the most.

Can I freeze my sperm before my vasectomy if I decide to change my mind later?

Yes! The process of freezing sperm is called cryopreservation, and is safely stored in a sperm bank for whenever you need to use it. Sometimes we even recommend it depending on the situation during the initial consultation.

We partner with Fellow to offer cryopreservation (as well as sperm testing). Learn more on our cryopreservation page.

Is there an age restriction for vasectomy?

You need to be at least 25 years old to be eligible for a vasectomy procedure in our clinic. If you are under 30 with no children, we do require you to undergo cryopreservation (sperm banking) before the procedure. Additionally, for everyone under 30, we require counseling and a 30 day waiting period prior to the procedure. Read more about these policies here.

Do you offer flexible payment options?

We understand that paying out-of-pocket for a vasectomy can be a financial challenge for many of our patients. Our goal is to provide permanent contraception for everyone who needs it, and we don't want cost to be a barrier to accessing this essential service. To address this concern, we have different options available, including payment plans or a sliding scale. Please contact us and we will work with your personal situation. 

About insurance coverage and reimbursement


Our Livermore Office

1985 First St, Suite 205
Livermore, CA 94550 
(925) 701-1090